Hack The "Lockitall LockIT Pro" System

When I was bored, I was reading an open source book project initiated by the “Digital Intelligence Security” Research Institute, mainly about a manual about iot security, which introduced a smart door lock CTF. Microcorruption is a smart lock online CTF “game” made by Matasano Security and Square. This CTF focuses on embedded security and challenges players to reverse engineer a fictitious “Lockitall LockIT Pro” lock system.

How it all works:

tl;dr: Given a debugger and a device, find an input that unlocks it. Solve the level with that input.

You’ve been given access to a device that controls a lock. Your job: defeat the lock by exploiting bugs in the device’s code.

You’re playing “Capture The Flag”. You collect points for each level you beat, working your way through steadily more complicated vulnerabilities. Most levels showcase a single kind of real-world software flaw; some levels chain a series of them together.

This device has a simple input: you provide a passcode, and if the passcode is correct, the lock unlocks. Just one problem: you don’t know the passcode. Unlock it anyways.

We’ve done the tedious work for you: we got the device working, hooked a rudimentary debugger up to it, dumped the code for each level and disassembled it for you.

You’ll use the debugger to reverse-engineer the code for each level. You can provide the device with input, then step through the code watching what the device does what that input. You’re looking for a specific input that unlocks the device. Maybe that input is the correct passcode. More likely, though, it’s something else: an input that exploits a bug in the device’s code.

This blog post will record my process of solving door locks in “all over the world”. So far I have broken two door locks, both of them are simple, and I am very lazy so I only record from the next door lock :)


Firstly enter the command “c” to let the debugger interrupt where the password is entered, enter a password at random and observe its execution flow in the program.

Enter the command “f” to let the pc finish executing the current function and return to the main function. The “check_password” function below should be very interesting.

After entering “check_password” function, you can see that there is the following comparision, which compares the two characters starting from the 0th, 2nd, 4th, and 6th digits of our input, respectively.

So the password in hexadecimal should be as follows: 3c31734d51263857. i.e. “<1sMQ&8W”.

Oh my bad, the MSP430 uses the instruction set is a little-endian, so the data in memory still need to swap.


The first test is still performed by entering a random password.

This function may be of interest to us, go in and take a look.

The fution calls another funciton, and notice that the address where we entered the password is also pushed onto the stack before.

Looking at the output, it seems that this function just checked the length of the password we entered or something like that.

The key code seems to be in this position: both to ensure that the password length is between 8 and 16 bits, and that the 17th bit has to do a comparision, which should be the familiar pwn technique.

Bypass directly with 00 truncation.


We just noticed that there is an interrupt here and we checked the manual to find the following information:

INT 0x7D.
Interface with the HSM-1. Set a flag in memory if the password passed in is correct.
Takes two arguments. The first argument is the password to test, the second is the location of a flag to overwrite if the password is correct.

The judgment logic of the main function is “test r15”, but when we go to the place shown in the figure, we find that r15 is always 0. Are we going to hijack the flow of the program?

Put a segment at the ret of the main function to see if the address of the ret we can control.

Oh dear, this place is really controllable, then everything is easy, just change the ret address to unlock address directly.

offset = 0x10

And the address of unlock:

4528:  b012 4644      call	#0x4446 <unlock_door>

payload = (hex)616161616161616161616161616161614644


When the password was entered, the pc pointer pointed to a strange location.

By looking at the main function, it seems that some encryption has been done to the code. Then we will not let the program run first and locate the enc function directly to observe its logic.

You can see that the first thing is to loop 0x100 times to fill the memory with this data somewhere. This memory is later processed in various ways, and we jump out of the function to see the result after encryption.

Debug cannot parse the code pointed to by pc, we disassemble it manually.

0b12           push	r11
0412 push r4
0441 mov sp, r4
2452 add #0x4, r4
3150 e0ff add #0xffe0, sp
3b40 2045 mov #0x4520, r11
073c jmp $+0x10
1b53 inc r11
8f11 sxt r15
0f12 push r15
0312 push #0x0
b012 6424 call #0x2464
2152 add #0x4, sp
6f4b mov.b @r11, r15
4f93 tst.b r15
f623 jnz $-0x12
3012 0a00 push #0xa
0312 push #0x0
b012 6424 call #0x2464
2152 add #0x4, sp
3012 1f00 push #0x1f
3f40 dcff mov #0xffdc, r15
0f54 add r4, r15
0f12 push r15
2312 push #0x2
b012 6424 call #0x2464
3150 0600 add #0x6, sp
b490 1a02 dcff cmp #0x21a, -0x24(r4)
0520 jnz $+0xc
3012 7f00 push #0x7f
b012 6424 call #0x2464
2153 incd sp
3150 2000 add #0x20, sp
3441 pop r4
3b41 pop r11
3041 ret
1e41 0200 mov 0x2(sp), r14
0212 push sr
0f4e mov r14, r15
8f10 swpb r15
024f mov r15, sr
32d0 0080 bis #0x8000, sr
b012 1000 call #0x10
3241 pop sr
3041 ret
d21a 189a call &0x9a18
22dc bis @r12, sr
45b9 bit.b r9, r5
4279 subc.b r9, sr
2d55 add @r5, r13
858e a4a2 sub r14, -0x5d5c(r5)
67d7 bis.b @r7, r7
14ae a119 dadd 0x19a1(r14), r4
76f6 and.b @r6+, r6
42cb bic.b r11, sr
1c04 0efa rrc -0x5f2(r12)
a61b invalid @r6
74a7 dadd.b @r7+, r4
416b addc.b r11, sp
d237 jge $-0x5a
a253 22e4 incd &0xe422
66af dadd.b @r15, r6
c1a5 938b dadd.b r5, -0x746d(sp)
8971 9b88 subc sp, -0x7765(r9)
fa9b 6674 cmp.b @r11+, 0x7466(r10)
4e21 jnz $+0x29e
2a6b addc @r11, r10
b143 9151 mov #-0x1, 0x5191(sp)
3dcc bic @r12+, r13
a6f5 daa7 and @r5, -0x5826(r6)
db3f jmp $-0x48
8d3c jmp $+0x11c
4d18 rrc.b r13
4736 jge $-0x370
dfa6 459a 2461 dadd.b -0x65bb(r6), 0x6124(r15)
921d 3291 sxt &0x9132
14e6 8157 xor 0x5781(r6), r4
b0fe 2ddd and @r14+, -0x22d3(pc)
400b reti pc
8688 6310 sub r8, 0x1063(r6)
3ab3 bit #-0x1, r10
612b jnc $-0x13c
0bd9 bis r9, r11
483f jmp $-0x16e
4e04 rrc.b r14
5870 4c38 subc.b 0x384c(pc), r8
c93c jmp $+0x194
ff36 jge $-0x200
0e01 rra r14
7f3e jmp $-0x300
fa55 aeef add.b @r5+, -0x1052(r10)
051c rrc r5
242c jc $+0x4a
3c56 add @r6+, r12
13af e57b dadd 0x7be5(r15), 4
8abf 3040 bit r15, 0x4030(r10)
c537 jge $-0x74
656e addc.b @r14, r5
8278 9af9 subc r8, &0xf99a
9d02 be83 call -0x7c42(r13)
b38c e181 sub @r12+, 8
3ad8 bis @r8+, r10
395a add @r10+, r9
fce3 4f03 xor.b #-0x1, 0x34f(r12)
8ec9 9395 bic r9, -0x6a6d(r14)
4a15 rra.b r10
ce3b jl $-0x62
fd1e call @r13+
7779 subc.b @r9+, r7
c9c3 5ff2 bic.b #0x0, -0xda1(r9)
3dc7 bic @r7+, r13
5953 add.b #0x1, r9
8826 jz $-0x2ee
d0b5 d9f8 639e bit.b -0x727(r5), -0x619d(pc)
e970 01cd subc.b @pc, -0x32ff(r9)
2119 rra @sp
ca6a d12c addc.b r10, 0x2cd1(r10)
97e2 7538 96c5 xor &0x3875, -0x3a6a(r7)
8f28 jnc $+0x120
d682 1be5 ab20 sub.b &0xe51b, 0x20ab(r6)
7389 sub.b @r9+, 4
48aa dadd.b r10, r8
1fa3 dinc r15
472f jc $-0x170
a564 de2d addc @r4, 0x2dde(r5)
b710 swpb @r7+
9081 5205 8d44 sub 0x552(sp), 0x448d(pc)
cff4 bc2e and.b r4, 0x2ebc(r15)
577a d5f4 subc.b -0xb2b(r10), r7
a851 c243 add @sp, 0x43c2(r8)
277d subc @r13, r7
a4ca 1e6b bic @r10, 0x6b1e(r4)

We can find that the code segment “call #0x2464” was called in many places.

The code segment :

1e41 0200      mov	0x2(sp), r14
0212 push sr
0f4e mov r14, r15
8f10 swpb r15
024f mov r15, sr
32d0 0080 bis #0x8000, sr
b012 1000 call #0x10 // interrupt
3241 pop sr
3041 ret

The program calls the interrupt for user input in the subsequent execution. After entering the password, there is a “cmp” instruction that follows, which can be seen to compare with the password we entered. Notice the value of the pc is 2448 now. So we can break at 2448, then we can input “#021a” to observe the program.

Oh! Sure enough, that’s it.


When set a breakpoint at ret of the function, we can find that ret address can be overflowed so we can hijack the program flow.

The verfication of the password relies on the “r15” register. So we can hijack the program flow to control the “r15” register.

But after testing, I found that hijacking the “r15” register seemed a bit difficult, so I changed my mind and hijacked it to where the interrupt is handled. According to the user manual, just pass in parameter “0x7f”.

payload: 6161616161616161616161616161616160447f


(To be continued.)

文章作者: Alex
文章链接: http://example.com/2021/09/20/Lockitall-LockIT-Pro/
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来自 Alex's blog~