hackthebox challenge刷题系列2



Who needs AES when you have XOR?


import os
flag = open('flag.txt', 'r').read().strip().encode()

class XOR:
def __init__(self):
self.key = os.urandom(4)
def encrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
xored = b''
for i in range(len(data)):
xored += bytes([data[i] ^ self.key[i % len(self.key)]])
return xored
def decrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
return self.encrypt(data)

def main():
global flag
crypto = XOR()
print ('Flag:', crypto.encrypt(flag).hex())

if __name__ == '__main__':


Flag: 134af6e1297bc4a96f6a87fe046684e8047084ee046d84c5282dd7ef292dc9


flag = '134af6e1297bc4a96f6a87fe046684e8047084ee046d84c5282dd7ef292dc9'
key = bytes(a ^ b for a,b in zip(b'HTB{', bytes.fromhex(flag)))
key = key * 10

flag = bytes(a ^ b for a,b in zip(key, bytes.fromhex(flag)))
$ python exp.py



I think this is safe… Right?


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, getPrime
from secrets import flag1, flag2
from os import urandom

flag1 = bytes_to_long(flag1)
flag2 = bytes_to_long(flag2)

p, q, z = [getPrime(512) for i in range(3)]

e = 0x10001

n1 = p * q
n2 = q * z

c1 = pow(flag1, e, n1)
c2 = pow(flag2, e, n2)

E = bytes_to_long(urandom(69))

print(f'n1: {n1}')
print(f'c1: {c1}')
print(f'c2: {c2}')
print(f'(n1 * E) + n2: {n1 * E + n2}')


n1: 101302608234750530215072272904674037076286246679691423280860345380727387460347553585319149306846617895151397345134725469568034944362725840889803514170441153452816738520513986621545456486260186057658467757935510362350710672577390455772286945685838373154626020209228183673388592030449624410459900543470481715269
c1: 92506893588979548794790672542461288412902813248116064711808481112865246689691740816363092933206841082369015763989265012104504500670878633324061404374817814507356553697459987468562146726510492528932139036063681327547916073034377647100888763559498314765496171327071015998871821569774481702484239056959316014064
c2: 46096854429474193473315622000700040188659289972305530955007054362815555622172000229584906225161285873027049199121215251038480738839915061587734141659589689176363962259066462128434796823277974789556411556028716349578708536050061871052948425521408788256153194537438422533790942307426802114531079426322801866673
(n1 * E) + n2: 601613204734044874510382122719388369424704454445440856955212747733856646787417730534645761871794607755794569926160226856377491672497901427125762773794612714954548970049734347216746397532291215057264241745928752782099454036635249993278807842576939476615587990343335792606509594080976599605315657632227121700808996847129758656266941422227113386647519604149159248887809688029519252391934671647670787874483702292498358573950359909165677642135389614863992438265717898239252246163






import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

n1 = 101302608234750530215072272904674037076286246679691423280860345380727387460347553585319149306846617895151397345134725469568034944362725840889803514170441153452816738520513986621545456486260186057658467757935510362350710672577390455772286945685838373154626020209228183673388592030449624410459900543470481715269
c1 = 92506893588979548794790672542461288412902813248116064711808481112865246689691740816363092933206841082369015763989265012104504500670878633324061404374817814507356553697459987468562146726510492528932139036063681327547916073034377647100888763559498314765496171327071015998871821569774481702484239056959316014064
c2 = 46096854429474193473315622000700040188659289972305530955007054362815555622172000229584906225161285873027049199121215251038480738839915061587734141659589689176363962259066462128434796823277974789556411556028716349578708536050061871052948425521408788256153194537438422533790942307426802114531079426322801866673
e = 0x10001
n3 = 601613204734044874510382122719388369424704454445440856955212747733856646787417730534645761871794607755794569926160226856377491672497901427125762773794612714954548970049734347216746397532291215057264241745928752782099454036635249993278807842576939476615587990343335792606509594080976599605315657632227121700808996847129758656266941422227113386647519604149159248887809688029519252391934671647670787874483702292498358573950359909165677642135389614863992438265717898239252246163

q = gmpy2.gcd(n1, n3)
n2 = n3 % n1

p = n1 // q
z = n2 // q

d1 = pow(e, -1, (q - 1) * (p - 1))
d2 = pow(e, -1, (q - 1) * (z - 1))
flag1 = pow(c1, d1, n1)
flag2 = pow(c2, d2, n2)
print(long_to_bytes(flag1) + long_to_bytes(flag2))
$ python exp.py



I heard Shor’s algorithm can do all sorts of nasty things to RSA, so I’ve decided to be super modern and protect my flag with cool new maffs!


from random import randint
from secrets import flag, r

pubkey = Matrix(ZZ, [
[47, -77, -85],
[-49, 78, 50],
[57, -78, 99]

for c in flag:
v = vector([ord(c), randint(0, 100), randint(0, 100)]) * pubkey + r


(-981, 1395, -1668)
(6934, -10059, 4270)
(3871, -5475, 3976)
(4462, -7368, -8954)
(2794, -4413, -3461)
(5175, -7518, 3201)
(3102, -5051, -5457)
(7255, -10884, -266)
(5694, -8016, 6237)
(4160, -6038, 2582)
(4940, -7069, 3770)
(3185, -5158, -4939)
(7669, -11686, -2231)
(5601, -9013, -7971)
(5600, -8355, 575)
(1739, -2838, -3037)
(2572, -4120, -3788)
(8055, -11985, 1137)
(7088, -10247, 5141)
(8384, -12679, -1381)
(-785, 1095, -1841)
(4250, -6762, -5242)
(3716, -5364, 2126)
(5673, -7968, 6741)
(5877, -9190, -4803)
(5639, -8865, -5356)
(1980, -3230, -3366)
(6183, -9334, -1002)
(2575, -4068, -2828)
(7521, -11374, -1137)
(5639, -8551, -1501)
(4194, -6039, 3213)
(2072, -3025, 383)
(2444, -3699, -502)
(6313, -9653, -2447)
(4502, -7090, -4435)
(-421, 894, 2912)
(4667, -7142, -2266)
(4228, -6616, -3749)
(6258, -9719, -4407)
(6044, -9561, -6463)
(266, -423, -637)
(3849, -6223, -5988)
(5809, -9021, -4115)
(4794, -7128, 918)
(6340, -9442, 892)
(5322, -8614, -8334)





import string

outputs = [
[-981, 1395, -1668],
[6934, -10059, 4270],
[3871, -5475, 3976],
[4462, -7368, -8954],
[2794, -4413, -3461],
[5175, -7518, 3201],
[3102, -5051, -5457],
[7255, -10884, -266],
[5694, -8016, 6237],
[4160, -6038, 2582],
[4940, -7069, 3770],
[3185, -5158, -4939],
[7669, -11686, -2231],
[5601, -9013, -7971],
[5600, -8355, 575],
[1739, -2838, -3037],
[2572, -4120, -3788],
[8055, -11985, 1137],
[7088, -10247, 5141],
[8384, -12679, -1381],
[-785, 1095, -1841],
[4250, -6762, -5242],
[3716, -5364, 2126],
[5673, -7968, 6741],
[5877, -9190, -4803],
[5639, -8865, -5356],
[1980, -3230, -3366],
[6183, -9334, -1002],
[2575, -4068, -2828],
[7521, -11374, -1137],
[5639, -8551, -1501],
[4194, -6039, 3213],
[2072, -3025, 383],
[2444, -3699, -502],
[6313, -9653, -2447],
[4502, -7090, -4435],
[-421, 894, 2912],
[4667, -7142, -2266],
[4228, -6616, -3749],
[6258, -9719, -4407],
[6044, -9561, -6463],
[266, -423, -637],
[3849, -6223, -5988],
[5809, -9021, -4115],
[4794, -7128, 918],
[6340, -9442, 892],
[5322, -8614, -8334]

# 可打印字符集
printable_chars = string.printable

def get_candidates(index, output, candidates, chars):
results = set()

for c in chars:
cc = ord(c)
for a1 in range(101):
for a2 in range(101):
r1 = output[0] - (cc * 47) - (a1 * -49) - (a2 * 57)
r2 = output[1] - (cc * -77) - (a1 * 78) - (a2 * -78)
r3 = output[2] - (cc * -85) - (a1 * 50) - (a2 * 99)
r = str([r1, r2, r3])

if (len(candidates) == 0) or (r in candidates):
candidate_map[index][r] = c

return results

candidate_map = []
number_of_outputs = len(outputs)
candidates = set()

for i in range(number_of_outputs):
if i < 4:
chars = "HTB{"[i]
chars = printable_chars

# 穷举可能的组合
candidates = get_candidates(i, outputs[i], candidates, chars)
print("number of candidates =", len(candidates))

for r in candidates:
print("r = ", r)
flag = ""
for i in range(number_of_outputs):
flag += (candidate_map[i][r])

print("flag = ", flag)
$ python exp.py
number of candidates = 10201
number of candidates = 522
number of candidates = 522
number of candidates = 360
number of candidates = 360
number of candidates = 288
number of candidates = 288
number of candidates = 288
number of candidates = 26
number of candidates = 26
number of candidates = 21
number of candidates = 11
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
number of candidates = 3
r = [-53, 75, 52]
flag = HTB{r3duc1nG_tH3_l4tTicE_l1kE_n0b0dY's_pr0bl3M}
r = [-102, 153, 102]
flag = HTB{r3duc1nG_tH3_l4tTicE_l1kE_n0b0dY's_pr0bl3M}
r = [-4, -3, 2]
flag = HTB{r3duc1nG_tH3_l4tTicE_l1kE_n0b0dY's_pr0bl3M}
文章作者: Alex
文章链接: http://example.com/2024/02/14/hackthebox-challenge-Crypto2/
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来自 Alex's blog~